Thursday, March 13, 2008


Ok, So the first 2 weeks was good. I have no time to get off my fat ass however and keep up with any kind of regular exercise program, and now it seems I can not lose more than 10 pounds. I hate this. I feel like I'm working so hard eating right, but since I don't really have that much time these days to exercise the eating right is pointless.

I'm a stressed eater. I have finals in the next couple weeks, I hate my job, we barely make it by with what we make now, and Jayk's getting ready to go full time fire fighter..another pay cut. Granted he will work a part time job, but that means less time to spend with us. =/ Selfish I know, but I can't help it.

So what does that have to do with weight? I want to friggin EAT! LOL I'm frustrated with counting points and always trying to eat right, but I know it's better for me even if I'm not losing weight. It just seems like that any time I go on a diet, I drop 10-12 pounds and can't make it past that mark. Damnit.

I've got ground chicken in the fridge and no idea what to make with it. I think I may just make chicken tacos. I don't know. Just another random stressed out day. Thanks for reading, if you've made it this far into my bitch fest, I love you. LOL Hope everyone is doing better than I am!


Sarah said...

...since I don't really have that much time these days to exercise the eating right is pointless.

you know that's not true! hang in there. i understand the stressed eating - i've done it recently myself.

i don't exercise really at all and while i know i would do better if i did, i am still able to lose almost a pound a week.

i know everyone is different and stuff, but it sounds like you and i started in almost the same boat. i did my 10% in 8 weeks with NO exercise, so losing more than 10 # is totally possible, even if you're a lazy-ass like me.

be strong and snack smart! :) i know you can do it!

Rocketstar said...

no time and TWO blogs? Use the old one, why the new one?

Remember, find pride and solice in knowing that you can push the uneeded food desires aside.

You can do it, ahng in there.

Colette said...

I'm still sticking to it. I think I'm just more stressed than anything. I think once the weather starts getting better it will be easier for me to go for walks. Not really all that motivating to do Pilates in front of Jayk and Logan. LOL..

Rocket: new blog is for the fitness/weight loss thing. Didn't want to bore anyone with it. ;)